• Chess in the Schools

    Chess in the Schools sends a trained instructor into our classrooms This amazing school program  has two components: classroom instruction and an after-school chess club. Chess in the Schools uses chess to teach our students critical thinking, problem solving and the mental discipline needed to succeed in school and in life.


    Ballroom Dancing

    PS 160 is thrilled to be a part of New York City Ballroom Dancing. Our fifth graders learn Swing, Tango, Merengue, and other dances. Our team recently won the Silver Medal in their competition.  

    Arts Connection

    Teachers from the Arts Connection visit our school to offer special programs in dance and music. Kindergarten and first grade work on vocal music.  Second grade is learning Chinese Dance and this year the fourth grade is involved in Spanish Dance.


    Studio in a School

    Professional Artists visit our school to "offer quality art workshops where children explore their creativity and learn the joys and benefits of making art."


    Activity Works

    Activity Works integrates 12-minute exercise bursts with core curriculum for elementary classrooms. Developed by scientists, this program is used to review academic areas, fight obesity and meet state mandates for physical education. Classes log in to track the number of times per week they exercise. They are also ranked against their peers to see which class completes the most episodes.Click here for a free episode!


    Violin Instruction

    Ms. Bateman teaches first, second, and third graders how to play the violin as well as the viola and cello. Many of the students begin studying music with Ms. Bateman in first grade and continue throughout the years. Students also participate in various performances during the year.


studio in school
studio art
activity works